Daniel (USA)
My wife and I loved studying at Il Sasso for one week because it fit into our schedule, was extremely well-organized, had excellent instructors who switched classes often, and left us the afternoon to explore. We also enjoyed the tours conducted in Italian in the city and other places. We plan to return when, again, our schedule permits going back. We miss our little apartment, too, and the friends we made.
Christina (Svezia)
Första gången jag besökte Il Sasso och Montepulciano var 2004. Skolans motto verkar vara: ”Det är jättekul att lära sig ett främmande språk och vi vill göra det möjligt!” Il Sassos personal är värd en eloge! Det är trevliga, vänliga, sociala, flexibla personer, som verkligen är intresserade av språk, kultur, pedagogik, samhällskunskap och allmän debatt. De lyckas inspirera sina studenter att diskutera allt detta på (haltande) italienska. Fråga mig inte hur! Och de lyckas lära ut grammatik på samma gång. Jag är också väldigt glad för den internationella atmosfären vid Il Sasso. Här kan man få nya vänner från hela världen. Efter lektionerna lär man sig massor om varandras länder, samtidigt som man utforskar Italien tillsammans. Om man riktar sina blickar utanför skolan blir man inte besviken heller. Tvärtom. Först behöver man någonstans att bo och att äta och därefter vill man uppleva olika intressanta sevärdheter etc. Il Sasso fixar ett rum åt dig i en familj eller i en egen lägenhet om du föredrar det. Montepulciano har förstås en mängd restauranger, bland vilka du hittar skolans eget ställe, Trattoria di Cagnano, där du får excellent italiensk mat och vin med 10 % rabatt. Skolan arrangerar också utflykter och guidade turer.
Lucia (Brasile)
Il mio soggiorno a Montepulciano è stato molto felice; questo è stato uno dei viaggi più belli della mia vita. Sia l'eccellenza della scuola, come la bellezza della città. Il programma ha veramente superato tutte le mie aspettative. Ho trovato la scuola seria, altamente organizzata, con un insegnamento squisito. Congratulazioni a tutti voi del Sasso! Sono stata anche molto soddisfatta con il bell’appartamento che mi è stato dato. In realtà, tutto è stato meraviglioso. La Toscana è una delle più belle regioni che ho visitato. I campi lavorati, i cipressi, gli odori ed i colori - Quanta cultura e impegno! La città rinascimentale circondata da vigneti e oliveti mi affascinava. Mi piaceva stare in Piazza Grande, respirando l'aria fresca, contemplando la natura e, naturalmente, degustando il vino Nobile e il cibo saporito...
Shirley (Inghilterra)
I am delighted to send a few comments about Il Sasso. Where to start? We have been students every year for about ten years, we have loved the classes and have also taken private lessons, the combination of hard work and good fun must be the envy of any teaching establishment but in addition the teachers (and Heike, the secretary of the school) really look after us. What else? The beautiful location, good accommodation, food, shall I go on?
Martin (Inghilterra)
I have studied Italian at Il Sasso many times. The classes are small and interesting. The teachers are all brilliant. They are patient with beginners and advanced students alike. The service in providing accommodation and help with travel and other aspects of a stay in Montepulciano, is equally brilliant. I cannot recommend Il Sasso highly enough.
Dallas & Robert (Canada)
We are a Canadian couple who have taken lessons at the Italian language school, Il Sasso, four times over the past five years. Obviously, we are very pleased with the very high quality of instruction at the school or we would not return almost every year. The instructors are very professional and highly trained. We have found everyone at the school to be very helpful and most accommodating to our needs. We are especially pleased that we can make all arrangements electronically through the school’s website. In fact, it is through their website that we first learned of Il Sasso. We plan to return again next year.
Ellen (USA)
I had a wonderful time at Il Sasso. I thought the lessons were prefect. I was placed where I thought I should have been so I wasn't way over my head. The grammar was helpful because it was a lot of review for me. I know I need a lot more experience with the speaking. I am always looking for a way to get back to Italy. I WILL be back I just don't know when. I'll have to win the lotto. Hope to see you soon.
Savannah (USA)
It is my pleasure to speak about the course I just completed at Il Sasso in September 2009. It was fantastic, why? Great and involved teachers; interested and interesting students; valid and valuable lessons; pleasant classroom; wonderful location in Montepulciano; and wide range of planned cultural activities from which to choose - cooking at a local restaurant, on foot historical tour of Montepulciano, wine tasting of the local Vino Nobile. What more can I say? I loved my classes, classmates, teachers, school, activities and Montepulciano itself! I hope to return very soon!!!
Monica (USA)
I would be more than happy to share my thoughts of Il Sasso! You can basically sum it up with one word: AMAZING! I truly love learning Italian at Il Sasso, I have been attending for 3 weeks now and everyday is a joy. I have learned so much in such a short period of time and the teachers are GREAT! Not only do they know what they are talking about, but they are so patient and wonderful with each student. I look forward to the coming classes. Thank you!
Raimund (Austria)
Mein Kommentar zu meinem 3-wöchigem Kurs heuer im August bei “Il Sasso”: sehr gute Kursorganisation, gut ausgebildete Lehrer, meinen Vorkenntnissen angepasstes Lehrwerk (Caffé Italia). Ein nettes, sehr hilfreiches Team im Organisationsbereich, besonders Heike. So macht Sprachenlernen Spass und bringt Erfolg!