Marie-Pierre (Francia)

Le due settimane a Montepulciano erano molto interessante e gradevole. Il Sasso è una buona scuola di lingua per stranieri; i gruppi sono piccoli (6 studenti, fra 20-60 anni), le insegnante gentili (Costanza, Cinzia, Lucia) e l'atmosfera molto simpatica. I corsi, con grammatica, vocabolario, conversazione, ascolto ... e giochi, sono molto utili. E la Toscana è bellissima da visitare!

02 novembre 2018
Sara (USA)

Sono tornata recentemente dalla scuola Il Sasso a Montepulciano. Ho frequentato la scuola per una settimane nell'aula e una settimana per Italiano camminando, un corso speciale per camminare parlando in italiano. Il nostro insegnante, Alberto, é un insegnante molto bravo, amichevole e divertente. Ogni giorno il nostro gruppo ha camminato in campagna per imparare l'italiano in un ambiente informale. Siamo andati a piedi a Montefollonico, Monticchiello, Bagno Vignoni, Cantina Canneto e Parco Naturale di Pietraporciana. Il corso era molto divertente, valeva la pena farlo!

29 ottobre 2018
Lynna & Richard (USA)

My wife and I spent a week at il Sasso in September 2018 and we have already decided to return for a month long course in 2019. When we started the course our Italian was very rudimentary but by the end of the week we could ask for fruits and vegetables in the market and use short phrases in restaurants. The class size was small (8 students) and the teachers (Costanza and Cinzia) were enthusiastic, encouraging and inclusive with all the students. They both made the course a lot of fun. They also recommended restaurants and bars in Montepulciano for much needed caffe' before class. We highly recommend il Sasso.

15 ottobre 2018
Susan (USA)

I spent a week at Il Sasso, and I wish it could have been longer. The setting is ideal in a gorgeous hilltop town. The teachers were very pleasant and we had some fun while learning Italian, playing games in Italian. I enjoyed the whole experience very much and would go back again.

08 ottobre 2018
Marc (Svizzera)

Il Sasso bietet mir genau das, was ich als Schule suche: - Ein dem eigenen Sprachniveau angepasster Unterricht in kleinen Klassen - Die Möglichkeit, am Nachmittag mit Einzelstunden die Ausbildung zu intensivieren - Ein abwechslungsreiches soziales, kulturelles Ergänzungsprogramm. - Der Kochkurs mit Lilli als einzigartiger kulinarischer Anlass, auch wenn ich am nächsten Tag nicht mehr in der Lage war, das Gelernte zu reproduzieren - Kleine familiäre Schule in einzigartiger Umgebung (Altstadt) - Äusserst sympathische Lehrerinnen (Alberto natürlich auch) mit einer Engelsgeduld Darum komme ich jedes Jahr wieder!

25 agosto 2018
Mark & Shaunagh (Australia)

In English, because most people wanting to go to Il Sasso probably don't yet have a great comprehension of Italian language? My partner and I decided to go to Il Sasso because (a) we had studied with another (Dante) organisation for some years and wanted to try something different, (b) wanted to go somewhere small (Montepulciano was our 'ideal' size to feel a part of a small community and (c) the school appeared to attract a slightly older clientele which suited our age bracket (>50). We stayed in 'Monte' for a little over two weeks and attended the school for those two weeks. The staff were great from Heike at 'Admin central' to all of the wonderful insegnante e direttore, we immediately felt welcome (but knew we were there to learn!). The extra curricular activities were diverse and generally well organised. Some were moderately expensive for what you received but that said we went on most and enjoyed them all - especially the historic walking tour of 'our town' Montepulciano and the visit to the nearby La Foce gardens. In addition to the fantastic food and wine of this region, we stayed in a wonderful AirBnB apartment overlooking prime Tuscan fields and olive groves and marked the hours of the day to the church bells which we still miss. Most of all we made some fantastic (hopefully lifelong) friends which enriched our stay and put the icing on the cake. We are already planning a return trip. Can't recommend Montepulciano as a destination, and Il Sasso as la scuola of choice, highly enough.

22 agosto 2018
Alison (Inghilterra)

In only a week, my Italian improved immeasurably. It was fun too, as the teachers were delightful and ensured that we talked about all sorts of subjects, however halting our Italian.

26 giugno 2018
Wayne (USA)

Recently, I received three weeks' excellent training in the Italian language at Il Sasso, a school for foreigners, in Montepulciano, Italy. During that time, I increased my Italian vocabulary manifold and had confirmed my notion that Italian grammar is very similar to Spanish grammar. My aim was to learn enough Italian to travel comfortably as a tourist in Italy, and that was accomplished in fine form. The staff of Il Sasso and the town of Montepulciano are both beautiful and a joy to interact with. Recien, me matricule por tres semanas en la Escuela Il Sasso en estudio del idioma italiano para estranjeros, en la ciudad de Montepulciano, en Italia. Durante ese tiempo, mi vocabulario italiano aumento bastante, y el curso me confirmo el entendimiento que la gramatica italiana seria muy semejante a la del espanol. Los que ya hablan espanol van a encontrar en el italiano una tarea mucho mas facilitada que la de los que no lo hablan. Aun mejor, hay varias profesoras de la escuela Il Sasso que tambien conocen el idioma espanol, y por eso le pueden ofrecer aun mas ayuda. Mi meta en matricularme en Il Sasso era de aprender el italiano bastante para poder viajar en Italia como turista sin incomodidad. Eso lo consegui estupendamente. Las del cuerpo docente y tambien la ciudad de Montepulciano son ambas bellisimas, y me dieron mucho placer en trabajar juntos. Ha pouco tempo atras, passei tres semanas matriculado na Escola Il Sasso do Italiano para Estrangeiros, em Montepulciano, na Italia. Durante aquele tempo, o meu vocabulario italiano aumento muito, e o curso confirmou o meu entendimento de que la gramatica italiana seria muito semelhante a do Portugues. Os que ja falam portugues vao descubrir que, com o italiano, a sua tarefa sera ja bem facilitada. Alem disso, saibam que varias das professoras do Il Sasso tambem conhecem o espanhol, o que facilitara muito a aprendizagem dos brasileiros e portugueses. (Infelizmente, nao encontrei nenhuma que fallasse portugues.) Mas,...

21 giugno 2018
Joe (USA)

I took a three-week course at Il Sasso (group lessons in the morning and a private one hour lesson in the afternoon). The staff were great and the class sizes were small. The teaching was excellent! Montepulciano is a beautiful Tuscan hill town, adding significantly to my overall experience. I will most definitely return to Montepulciano to go to Il Sasso again.

21 giugno 2018
Karina (USA)

This school is definitely the gem of Montepulciano and Tuscany. I was completely in awe of the level of classes here. They are well balanced with grammar, speaking and listening. As well as lots of interesting activities to make learning experience fun and efficient, like games, "field trip" to the local market to explore local produce and learn new words. Teachers are attentive, knowledgable, intelligent and fun! At this school you feel how much they care about what they do! It was completely enjoyable and unforgettable experience! Grazie mille - Silvia Celli, Cinzia Casagni, Sara Chierchini, Heike Wilms, Eleonora Vieri!

18 giugno 2018